Normally I won't be doing this, but after watching the Aussie Open for the better part of two weeks, I saw several previews to matches that had one of my favorite songs right now playing in the background: Coldplay's Paradise. Which brings me to my post today. I'm reviewing Coldplay's 2011 album "Mylo Xyloto". "MX" was released last year on October 24, 2011 and ever since I first listened to it, the album's been on my playlist for a lot of that time.
The album is a departure from their earlier work, instead of the moody guitars of their first release "Parachutes", the orchestral swells of their sophomore album "A Rush of Blood to the Head", "X & Y"'s deep philosophy, or 2008's Viva la Vida and its world and baroque pop leanings, Mylo Xyloto is just pure fun. From the titular intro track, producer Brian Eno's hand can be seen influencing the sound. His signature sonic soundscaping is prevalent through all of the lead-in tracks the segue into another larger track ("Mylo Xyloto", "M.M.I.X.", "A Hopeful Transmission"). However, these tracks left little impression on me,only serving the purpose of filler until the next song. Usually I just ended up skipping them when I had my iPhone on shuffle, but while listening to the album as a whole, I tolerated them.
The first real song on the album is "Hurts Like Heaven", which I had heard months before the album live while watching them at Glastonbury. Its a frantic sounding song: Will Champion's quick beats, Johnny Buckland's two guitar solos, and Chris Martin's filtered vocals. I really liked everything about this song except Martin. Normally I love his voice, but why they chose to use a filter when recording him I have no idea. I prefer "Hurts" live because of that. (4/5)
"Paradise", the second single, is the next song on the album. I agree with several critics that the "para-para-paradise" is pretty elementary, even for Coldplay who have some pretty workman-like lyrics. Even so, I really think this song is right up there with Coldplay classics like Fix You and Viva la Vida. Its soaring melody, huge hooks, and strong bass makes Paradise one of the poppiest songs in the band's repertoire. Which is deffinately not a bad thing. (5/5)
Named after the Peanuts cartoon character, next song on the album is "Charlie Brown". I'm going to get straight to the point on this song: "Charlie Brown" is probably my second favorite song Coldplay has penned (right behind Viva la Vida). The lyrics may be a little nonsensical ("My scarecrow dreams/ When they smashed my heart into smithereens/ I be a bright red rose come bursting the concrete/ Be the cartoon heart"), but the great guitar hook and spot on performance of Chris Martin really makes this one of Coldplay's best song, and one of the best songs of 2011. (5/5)
"Us Against the World", "U.F.O.", and "Up in Flames", while not in track listing order, all have the relatively same feel to me. They are all mid-tempo ballads, "Up in Flames" using a simple piano chord progression and the others centered around guitar. While songs similar to these in their previous albums like "Fix You" (X&Y) or "The Scientist" (A Rush of Blood to the Head) felt very deep and passionate, on MX they are just sluggish and a chore to listen to. When I listen to music, I don't want to have to feel like I'm working just to get through a song, and that's what these songs do to me. (2.5/5, 2/5, 2/5)
Lead single "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall" is a huge departure from their original sound, and when it was released in June, it signaled the direction that Coldplay's new sound would take. The opening synths, Chris's yelping vocals, and the thumping bass drum almost places the song into "club" territory, but it still manages to stay "Coldplayish". I really liked this song and its definitely one of the best on the album. (5/5)
"Major Minus", the next song, is a Radiohead-esque tune with, again, extremely nonsensical lyrics. Called a concept album by Chris Martin in interviews before the release, "Mylo Xyloto" is supposed to be about a boy and girl who find love in a bleak, all watching society. "Major Minus" is pretty much the only song on the album that actually follows through on Martin's promise with lyrics like "We got one eye watching you/ And one eye on what to do/ So be careful who it is you're talking to." Overall, it falls a little flat, almost like Coldplay made the song just to sound edgy, which didn't work for me. (3/5)
The much hyped Rihanna collaboration "Princess of China" is next. From the opening synths "oh oh" chanting in the intro to the end, I enjoyed the song. "China's" lyrics are vague, but its general idea is about two lovers fell out of love. The song mostly features Rihanna's vocals, which for me is a shame because I really enjoy the song, but much prefer Martin's vocals. (4/5)
"Don't Let it Break Your Heart" is a faster tempo rocker, with Chris's voice flying over a terribly mixed instrumental. Not that I think Will Champion's drumming, Johnny Buckland's guitar, or Guy Berryman's bass work is bad, its that the way they all come together is loud and slightly amateur. Its a listenable song, but not a great one. (2.5/5)
"MX" closes with the most feel good song of the album, "Up With the Birds." The song wraps its listener in a blanket of syths and atmospheric songs. It conjures up images of peace and it really is a cathartic ending. Some critics gave it negative feedback, likening it to something "out of a Disney movie." I can see where they're coming from, but its just so feel good that you don't really care. (4/5)
Even with all of its flaws, "Mylo Xyloto" a great listen. It deffinately is not the best album Coldplay has made, but it is one of the most fun to listen to. I find my self reaching for "MX" more often than reaching for "Parachutes", "X&Y", or "A Rush of Blood to the Head". This is something I think I'll be listening to for quite a while. Well done Coldplay, another record that I can't stop listening to.
Cool background on the blog! I will be looking forward to reading your blog entries each week!